What is your assignment/project?  What are your goals?  How are you going to succeed? 
              In this assignment I am supposed to create an “anti self-portrait” in which I need to create a portrait of myself using everyday objects. The idea is to use objects that represent characteristics of me, such as perhaps a soccer ball if you play soccer or a pencil if you’re a writer or such, and lay them out on a table, essentially creating a character map of yourself. I decided to pick a sounders scarf, since I really enjoy both playing and watching soccer, and since the sounders are my favorite MLS team. I will draw a camera, since I enjoy both photography and filming and creating videos as well. I will draw a race number as well, since I really enjoy doing track, especially throwing javelin, and that can represent that sport. And finally, I will draw a paintbrush, to represent art, which I greatly enjoy creating and it has a large influence on my life. I plan to do several drafts, the first of which just laying out the basic positions, and the second and third focusing more on the objects themselves, getting them to look exactly right and figuring out proportions and everything in order to get it looking as realistic as possible.

First Drafts – How did you come up with this sketch?  What were you trying to accomplish?  How do you plan to improve upon this? 

              This is my first rough sketch. I did everything very, very basic, just trying to lay out the basic positions for every piece. I intended to just figure out where everything would fit on the page, not to get anything down in detail. The proportion in this first drafts are a little off; the camera being too large and the race number a little large. All the lines are really rough, and all the objects are drawn pretty simply to just try and get all my ideas on paper basically. I also toyed with the idea of adding glacier glasses to the drawing to represent the mountaineering that I do, but I tossed the idea after finding that they didn’t fit very well in the image, and that they made it a little cluttered. I didn’t really like the way they looked, so I decided not to add them in later drafts. I did this draft basically to just lay everything out, not for detail. I later drafts I planned to do everything in much greater detail, so I could practice actually drawing them properly and realistically, and in the next ones I planned to also nail down the proportions, getting everything looking right, since in the first one they are slightly off.

Second and Third Drafts – How did you arrive here from your initial sketch?  How is this design better, more successful?  How can you improve upon this?  
               In the next draft, I did a much more detailed sketch. Unlike the first draft, which was really rough and just positioned everything, this drawing was a much more finished product. All the objects are tightened up, and look much more realistic in this one. I attempted to really get the camera done well in this one, and to get it in proportion this time. All the pieces are actually in proportion in this one, and actually look right in relation to each other. All of them are shaded much better too. I attempted to get some of the shadows and highlights on the objects in this one as a basis for the final. Everything is just a lot cleaner and more finished in this draft, making a big improvement from the previous draft. In addition to doing a better overall picture, I did a larger, much more detailed picture of the camera, since that was one of the more difficult objects to draw. I looked only at the camera in this one, and tried to sketch it as accurately as possible so that I would have the practice with it for the final. I tried to really get all details of the camera perfect, getting the shape down, focusing on the lens and the text on the body of the camera.  This really helped me prepare for the final, where I could put that perfected image into a smaller scale next to the other objects. 

A drawing focused on the camera
Final Draft – How does this final accomplish the goals given in the assignment/project?  How do you know this is a successful design? 

               My final drawing was a successful anti self-portrait. It shows the objects laid out on a plain surface the way it is supposed to, and each of those objects represents a part of my character, and it overall is a pretty accurate representation of me. Each object reflects one of the facets of my personality and character, and overall I think it represents well. The objects are drawn realistically, and in proportion to each other, creating a nice final product that is an accurate representation of the subjects. Each object is drawn well, and actually looks like the original subject. The scarf is properly proportional, and the logo is drawn accurately to the original. The camera is drawn very accurately, each detailed portion of it matching the original, all the way down to the text on front. The race number looks much like the original, text and all. The paintbrush is properly proportioned and drawn to look like the original. Overall, this is a very accurate, detailed, and properly drown final that successfully represents the subjects, both the objects I drew, and me. I liked that the objects really represented who I am, and told a story about me, letting a viewer imagine who I am and what I’m like without actually having to see my face. Overall this was a really fun project that turned out pretty successfully.

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